Valentina Š.

Valentina Š.

Opatija30 y6 y experiencefrom 8 € for an h

Hej bok 👋
Zovem se Valentina i teta čuvalica sam.
Zadnjih 10 godina bavim se djecom svih uzrasta, organizirala sam različite kreativne radionice, timske igre, facepaintinge, vodila sam predstave za djecu, vodila terapijsko jahanje, davala instrukcije, dadiljala i još svašta nešto.
Trenutno bih voljela čuvanjem Vašeg djeteta Vama pružiti sigurnost, a Vašem djetetu ugodno, kreativno i zabavno vrijeme provedeno samnom.
Veselim se upoznavanju 🫶🏼

Phone number: visible only to members


0 recommends

Time: agreed individually

Pay: from 8 € for an h

Au pair: not interested

Experience: 6 y

Baby sitting
  • Can work in own home

  • Can work with the disabled

  • Can work with pets

  • Can go outside with children

  • Can do shopping

  • Can cook

  • Can do the cleaning

  • Have a driving license

  • Have a car

  • Don't smoke


I would work with

  1. Babies, 0-1 years old

  2. Toddlers, 2-3 years old

  3. Preschoolers, 4-6 years old

  4. Gradeschoolers, 7-11 years old

  5. Teens, 12-18 years old



Courses: nanny courses, first aid courses